Clarity AMC

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Clarity Appraisal Management and Valuation Services

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Clarity Appraisal Management



Benefits of Being an Appraiser with Clarity AMC

Benefits of Being an Appraiser with Clarity AMC

First and foremost, Clarity AMC is an appraiser owned and operated appraisal management company. We understand the challenges that appraisers face daily with people without the best . We understand that no two appraisals are the same and each assignment presents its own unique challenges. The owners (also appraisers) have ample experience with other AMC’s and have used this knowledge to ensure that Clarity is appraiser friendly and, most of all, different.

Clarity will pay the professional appraiser a much fairer wage than may be accustomed to, twice per month. Our turn times and requirements are more reasonable than those found in the industry. After all, in building a relationship with you rather than just having you sit in our system. We are not a company that wants to sign up everyone who has an appraiser license. We actively seek the best in the area duelz casino online.

Clarity pays an average fee for your area on the 15th and 30th of each month. We don’t set your fees – you do. We will always call prior to sending out orders – we won’t give an appraisal assignment without contacting you beforehand. In return, we ask that you call us within 24 hours of receiving an to set the inspection and that within four business days of the inspection a completed report is turned in at We believe that doing business this way is best. It enables both you and Clarity to work out any issues on the front-end and meet our clients’ expectations.

In exchange for all that Clarity offers, we require one thing from you – quality communication. It’s vital that you communicate clearly with our clients throughout the entire process, submit quality appraisal reports and keep your word. We understand things change; not all assignments are the same. Because of this we insist on quality appraisers, who are adaptable, operate with integrity and possess excellent communication skills.

We look forward to sending you your first order. Partner with us today!

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